Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Mike has been nominated for King of the 8th grade class. He seemed to be pretty honored by it.


I took Mike to the doctor yesterday. He's been feeling tightness and once in awhile little needles poking him in the chest that hurt real bad. Mike wakes up its the most tight in his chest then it levels off during the day. He's pretty consisitant to having headaches everyday mostly after school. His temperature was 99.9 but the doctor wasn't concerned about that because thats where Mike's temperature usually is. His blood pressure is low. So different changes requires us to go back to the specialist. So we made a appointment of course its not till March 21st but she said I could call every morning to see if there's been any cancellations. I was a wreck yesterday after this appointment. I just felt here we go again but Ron was like this problem hasn't left just kind of been in the background. It's true but hopefully we can figure out something soon.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


So we had ADT come out yesterday for a quote for a new security system. It'll be installed on March 1st. So nobody steal from us till then. It was a lot pricier than I thought but hopefully effective. So it'll be hooked up to ADT systems but if they see any activity they call the sheriff. Another neat thing is it'll be hooked to our smoke alarm which if that goes off they call the fire department immediately. It also takes 15 to 20 off our homeowners insurance. So anybody in the market of a security system give me a call and I can get a free month for the referral. The sheriff and the ADT guy said within 6 months the burgulars come back for something else they saw and figure you have replenished the bikes. Or whatever has been taken from you. Dee didn't you have ADT? Hopefully I'll feel safer here cause this feeling sucks in my new home.
Still looking for a couple dogs also if anybody hears anything around 1 year old and I would take a younger dog I just want at least 1 dog that will let me know if there's activity outside. I really don't want the whole puppy stage but want it young enough to grow up with the kids. If that makes any sense.
Well I've already organized my kitchen this morning for the 100th time. Trying to figure out the best way it suits the whole family. The kids put dishes away and just put them wherever they see room so trying to get them more organized. But noway am I complaining with the kids doing their chores. Seriously I honestly believe the kids respect me more and its very calm around here. So I've been cooking more and loving it I'm really trying to cut out on all the junk food for the kids. I still think we should get together once a month and everyone cook something different to give the other person ideas and it would be nice to get together like that. I don't know just a idea. Well I have a garden to help plant. Love Kim

Saturday, February 9, 2008


So I'm a very proud Mom everyday but yesterday in particular. My son Mike won best hair in the 8th grade class.The teachers had nominees and they broke it down to 3 students who were worthy and the 8th grade voted. He'll be in the yearbook. Pretty exciting. Ron was happy for him but said that will get you into college. Mike said with these looks I know. Who does this sound like? My son is thinging he's Grampa Grover. It just made me laugh. Boy did all our kids luck out in the genes category. Probably thanks to Grampa Grover.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl

Well I worked all day Saturday so didn't get much done around my house. Kathie came over Sat. night and we made Texas Sheet cake(2) for Super Bowl party and Kathie made the best Burritos for everyone. I cleaned the house Sunday morning and went grocery shopping. We had everybody show up for Super Bowl. So much food. Everyone had a great time. Were really starting to love the bar area for entertainment.Plus it keeps the mess out of my house. Ha Ha