Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thanks Lexi!!

I just wanted to thank my 2 year old neice Lexi for a wonderful weekend. My life is so full and busy and I don't slow down to enjoy a minute of it. I'm working on that and this weekend was perfect for me. Bobbi came over Friday night to pick up a few items that she left on Christmas and I asked her if Lexi could stay the night Bobbi was alright with that. So I had Lexi all weekend and I can say I'm relaxed and very content right now. You forget how much a 2 year needs and it was so good for me to slow down and enjoy everything going on in my life. (May not seem like it every other day but we're moving in the right direction).Watching Ricky and Lauren with Lexi so so neat they were so patient and attentive to her every need. I do have great kids and really have no complaints except maybe some of their friends that can eat so much. LOL I'm trying to keep the house up but I'm not killing myself anymore we have Thursday nights to clean good enough I'm not going to be mad at myself in 10 years when maybe all my kids are moved out and regret riding them over petty things I don't want them to think I was always nagging I'm working on it.Not that I'm going to live in filth but if the laundry backs up oh well I like no more than 2 loads behind but what are you going to do?

You think about it Ronnies outside at 5am to help feed comes in takes a shower leaves for bus at 6:30 goes to school comes home helps with calves (TEXTS 10000 times) how is his day any different then mine? I know when hes had enough and let him do his own thing. Mike is helping in the afternoons that kid has shocked us hes so helpful. Lauren helps so much in the kitchen I feel bad but she seems to have really taken to it. Cookies are killer. (Keeps us going). Ricky is just so darn cute he gets away with everything so someday we need to step up on our parenting skills but we're not ready. He does what he needs to.

So I'm just saying Lexi thank you for slowing me down this weekend and enjoying your company and the football game with your Mommy just chillin on the couch. Thank you Bobbi for lunch and your cresent yummys I'm going to make those again I made my chicken cresents tonight and my men love them. Not bad its 9:42 and were eating supper.

Ron enjoy your week off can't wait for your sister Tamara to get here Tuesday hopefully she'll cook for us mostly for my husband.

Oh Nicole I got the most beautiful dozen pink roses and a beautiful card on Friday. My husband appreciates me. I always say flowers are such a waste of money but it does make you feel better for some reason.


  1. What a nice post... I am glad you had a good weekend!

  2. THANK YOU for watching Lexi! She loved it so much (and we enjoyed it too). :)

  3. Nice to hear about your beautiful flowers! They do make you feel special as long as you don't get them too often. I'm glad to hear the kids are doing so well & that you & Ronnie are as well. We were raised like that & it makes everyone be a hard worker- no excuses - that's just life ;-) I remember when I first started cooking - cookies were the only thing I had mastered! Life doesn't have to be a pretty picture like people would thing- it just has to be real :-)

  4. I loved all the post and I would like to say since I am so late in reading it, Tamara is here and Kim has said she has cooked,cleaned,helped with the kids and animals. Hats off to you Tamara......and better yet the best at seeing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
